Synthetic Cider Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)

The "Synthetic Cider ATF" recipe is one of the most sophisticated high performance fluids on the market. Representing the latest innovative tech in full synthetic automatic transmission fluids. This ATF is designed to handle the abuse of high performance transmissions from old to new. This is not just any red fluid. There is a vast amount of additive chemistry and years of RnD to create the most robust fluid on the market!


The perfect brew to create these benefits:

  • Outstanding resistance to oxidative and thermal breakdown
  • Exceptional low temperature fluidity
  • Excellent gear shift quality throughout service life
  • Exceptional anti-wear performance
  • Improved anti-shutter balanced friction stability
  • 300HR Aluminum Beaker Oxidation Test = Improved oxidation performance and varnish control
  • High VI formulation delivers consistent high & low temperature performance
  • Full synthetic formulation provides extended drain intervals
  • For older models of transmissions currently using DEXRON®-III this is a more fuel-efficient choice
  • Lighter viscosity = cooler operating temperatures, radiating head off faster
With extended drain intervals you save 4x the time and money. Our fluid has an estimated life of 100,000 miles unlike our competition which only has a drain interval of 25,000 miles. With the advanced friction modifiers and lighter viscosity, the fluid is able to travel through the transmission much faster with less friction. This in turn is what creates the cooler operating temperatures, and ability to radiate heat off faster and more efficiently.

Typical Physical and Chemical Properties

Kinematic Viscosity @100°C, cSt ……………………….6.1
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C cSt …………………………31.0
Viscosity Index ………………………………………………….150
Brookfield Viscosity, cP @ -40°C …………………………8,000
Flash Point, °C …………………………………………………..208
Pour Point, °C ……………………………………………………-48